If you have decided to quit drugs or alcohol, undoubtedly you have made the best decision of your life. But along with removing the toxic components from your body, you need to take care of health and feed a proper diet to your body to replace all the lost nutrients. Most people think that drug detox is all about removing the toxic components from the body. But along with that, drug rehab also takes care of the person’s physical and mental health. A healthy body helps to avoid relapse and withdrawal symptoms during the recovery process and creates a difference in the person’s real-world.
Here we are going to tell you about the type of food and nutrients you can include in your healthy Detox diet. So, if you are working on your recovery, consider the following points to bring the improvements faster.
Stay Hydrated
When a person consumes alcohol, it dehydrates the body. Although, many people do not feel to drink water while consuming drug substances which is the reason why withdrawal symptoms attack the body faster. For the proper functioning of your body, it needs to stay hydrated all the time. You can add a lot of water to your diet, in addition to that, include beverages like coconut water in your diet. If you are capable of making a good investment in your health, you add plenty of fruits, juices, and vegetables to your diet to get all the lost vitamins and nutrients back while hydrating.
Proteins from plants as well as animal sources help the body to repair itself during drug rehab. You can include animal sources of protein like chicken, Turkey, tuna in your diet; all these are rich sources of Vitamin B6. Pork, poultry, and red meat provide iron to the body. Sources like the fish salesman are great for calcium and Omega 3 fatty acids. You can get plant proteins from tofu, quinoa, Black Beans, and lentils.
Bright Fruits And Veggies
Include foods like bell pepper, papaya, pineapple, strawberry, and oranges in your diet; all of them are a good source of vitamin C and other vitamins.
Complex Carbohydrates
For the smooth and effective functioning of your body, carbohydrates are important. You can get them from rice, bread, potato, beans; they are a good source of fiber which helps to boost energy and improve digestion. If you are buying breadsticks, then prefer only whole grain bread. White bread is not as good as whole grain bread.
Milk is not only about calcium. Dairy sources like whole milk butter and cheese are great sources of vitamin A. You can include yogurt in your diet for live cultures which improves digestion and Vitamin B12.
Stay Healthy After Detox
If you want to stay healthy for a long time after leaving drugs and alcohol, you should consult our medical experts in Austin drug Detox. The experts can suggest to you some specific dietary supplements that you can add to your diet during the recovery process and they will help you to replace some of the Lost nutrients rapidly. Be sure that you stick with the acid recommendations. If you are planning to detox on your own, you should take advice from medical experts for a healthy Detox diet. For example; if you are addicted to alcohol for a long time and decide to quit it, then you might be suffering from the deficiency of vitamin A which usually comes with alcoholism. If you try to replace it on your own, then you may actually become a victim of fibrosis. In a similar way, Omega 3 could be good for your body, but if you take it in access it may cause blood thinning. So, it is always recommended to get expert advice before adding any healthy dietary substance to your daily diet.