Friday, February 07, 2025
Email Subscribers

Ways To Turn Social Media Followers Into Your Email Subscribers

Just take a moment and check the number of people following you on your social media account. In case you are a professional blogger, then you might have already gathered good sized following on some of the famous social channels like Instagram Twitter and FB.  This might be your way of doing business right? So these sources are the places where you actually link up to some of the new posts, show some of the new campaigns you are working with or even tell people about some news on giveaways.

Now get to do yourself another favor. Just try to check numbers on email list. How can you compare these two? The guess will be that the email list numbers are quite under the social ones you have. It is not uncommon and there are so many people falling under the same ladder. Even the biggest bloggers of all time like Pat Flynn have also made this terrible mistake of not paying much attention to email list right from start.

Some serious notes to consider:

Now, let’s just wonder for a second. What will happen if Twitter or any other social channel disappears tomorrow? Do you think it is going to be possible that FB might go down in blue blaze of the glory new week? It is hard to think something like this will happen soon but you never know for sure. On a serious way, have you ever thought of the steps to take if all social media followers plan to quit your site? All those follows, likes and even re-tweets will be nowhere to be seen. All of those hard working years of honing the Instagram skills will be just in vain.

What about those follows and likes when it is associated with creating revenue? They are not money. You cannot just trade the heart taps on IG for some money. Well, that does not mean you have to abandon social media. There are actually insane values in the field of social media for bloggers. Branding, along with instant connection with audience, creating own personality, there are some of the plus points of social media and equally important for business.

So, now you have to think about some ways in which you can actually convert those social media followers right into email subscribers. It is for the way to transform growing craze of followers for Instagram towards email sector too. So, without wasting any more of your previous time, let’s just get right into details on how you can actually convert your social media followers into your very own email subscribers.

Reasons to focus on email list over social media:

As per the latest survey from marketing Serpa, around 75% of the social media users think email to be the best way for brands to communicate. It is right there and straight from horse’s mouth. The perfect way for communicating with social media users got to be with email. But, I case you are actually stuck on deciding whether to focus on adding subscribers to email list of growing social following, some points might help.

  • It is not hard to state that email is still most used e-media. For most of the people, it is the finest thing to look in morning and last glance before hitting the bed at night. It is also stated that around 71% of consumers will always favor emails as first online check of day.
  • It is also not guaranteed that audience will get to see message on social media. Email is proven to be only way for managing direct communication with audience. With all latest algorithms used on social channels, there isn’t any guarantee that message is seen by audience.

Get to convert it now:

How can you actually start converting social media followers into your present email list subscribers? There are some steps for you to follow in this regard.

  • Always try to keep it stupid and simple:

You just have to ask for it! Not everyone is here to present you with their email address. But, it can often be easier way to just get rolling with list by asking your social media followers. It is just as easy as sending out tweet with link for any opt-in form.

  • Provide them a way to sign up in an easy manner:

If you get to see a donut placed right in front of you, there are high chances that you might eat it. But in case you have to search for donut, then you might just leave the idea of eating a donut behind and concentrate on other important works. Similarly, your followers are not exactly going to follow you for the opt-in forms. So, it is vital to just out the forms and links in super easy and obvious places.

Some examples might help you with the answer. You can get Twitter cards linked up with the opt-ins in message. For Facebook, you can create a tab on page to be opt-in. In case with Pinterest, you can provide audience with clickable and pinnable offers leading to opt-in form. Then you have Instagram, where you can make link in bio or just one a photo which can go directly to opt-in form.

  • Ads as the next option:

The easiest and quickest way to get email leads from social platforms is by spending little bucks on advertising. For help, you can check out the FB lead ads or the Twitter ads in case you are ready t spend few bucks in this sector.

  • Get to provide some ultimate value:

You need to provide audience with some value to gather email address as there are some who want some values in return. You might give an e-book or content upgrade or just host any webinar for teaching how-to and then they might sign up with their address. As long as you can provide your audience with some value, you are good to go.

Make sure to follow these points and in no time you can convert social media followers into email subscribers easily.

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