Ever since electric bikes started gaining popularity, there has been a lot of discussion and disputes regarding electric motor assisted cycling, especially by traditional cyclists. Many people who ride regular bikes argue that e-bike riding is not really cycling and that it doesn’t have the same health and fitness benefits. In fact, some cyclists consider riding electric bikes a form of cheating.
The reality is that an e-bike does require pedaling and does promote moderate aerobic exercise, and is also a fun and fast way to get from one point to another, or simply to spend your free time.
Riding an electric bike does have its pros and cons, so let’s take a look at the main ones so that you can make up your mind whether an e-bike is a good investment to make.
Pros of electric bikes
They are cheaper to run and maintain than motorized vehicles
Due to the fact that e-bikes are powered by batteries which you can charge at home, in your office or just about anywhere, and that they don’t need fuel or regular oil changes and other maintenance, makes them a much cheaper form of transport as compared to cars or motorcycles. In fact, if you choose to commute or run errands with your e-bike rather than drive or use public transportation every day, you can save a serious amount of money.
They are eco-friendly
You will not be causing harmful greenhouse gas emissions while riding your electric bike, because they are powered by batteries. This means that you will be making a contribution to the environmental cause to lower the pollution of the air. Plus, you will help reduce the number of cars on the road and thus help solve the traffic jam problems which most cities face, if you switch from driving to riding an electric bike.
They are convenient
You can ride your e-bike on the road and off road, and just about anywhere. You don’t need to search for parking spots or pay for parking when you are with your electric bike. Plus, getting to work or anywhere can actually be much faster than driving or riding the bus, because you can avoid the traffic jams, take shortcuts, and ride off the roads, unlike the cars or buses.
They won’t make you sweat
An electric bike does require that you do some pedaling, but it also provides you with assistance which is much needed especially if you are traveling long distances or need to climb a particularly steep hill. This means that you can easily use an e-bike to get to work or school without getting there drained in sweat and in need of a shower.
They are fast
Not only are electric bikes faster than traditional bikes due to their motor assistance, but they can actually be faster than cars and public transport because you can ride through the traffic jams, take easy shortcuts off of the roads and can get to your destination much faster than you would if you drive, take the bus or ride a conventional bicycle.
They can help you cover longer distances
No matter your fitness level, an electric bike can help you ride longer and reach further than you would with a regular bike. Thanks to the assistance an e-bike gives, you will find that you can easily cover much longer distances, and go on far longer rides than you would if you choose to cycle.
They are quieter than motorcycles and cars
You will help reduce the noise pollution which is another growing problem of most big cities and urban areas if you switch to riding an electric bike rather than drive or ride a motorcycle. E-bikes are quiet, so you won’t disturb others and will be able to enjoy a peaceful ride.
They are safer than cars
Since electric bikes do have a relatively low speed limit, they are much safer than driving a motorbike or car at high speed.
They will improve your posture
Riding an electric bike promotes a better posture because it requires that you sit in a straight upright position, unlike when riding a traditional bike. This means that you will lower the risk of suffering from back and neck pain even after long rides.
They will help you get healthier and fitter
This is especially true for people who lead sedentary lifestyles. Riding an electric bike does require some effort, pedaling, balancing and steering which all are a form of moderate aerobic exercise. By riding an electric bike on a regular basis you can shed the extra pounds, strengthen your musculoskeletal system and improve your heart, lung, and mental health. Also, by coming more active, you will reduce the risk of suffering a stroke, heart attack, diabetes, and other potentially fatal health conditions.
Cons of electric bikes
They can be pricey
An electric bike is more expensive than a conventional bike, and its battery and motor can add to the expenses made when it comes time to be replaced. On the other hand, they are cheaper than cars and do not require fuel, oil, parking fees and other expenses as cars do.
They are heavier than conventional bikes
E-bikes usually have heftier frames and are heavier than traditional bikes because of the battery and motor. This makes them harder to pedal, push or carry in case the battery dies.
They are restricted from bicycle lanes in some areas
Depending on where you live, you may find that you will not be allowed to use the regular bicycle lanes when riding an electric bike. If such is the case, you will need to use the roads and ride along with the cars which can be more dangerous. You do have a restricted speed when riding an e-bike so this may pose a problem when dealing with traffic and when you are in a hurry as well.
They get flats much more often than conventional bikes
Due to their heavy weight, electric bikes can get flat tires much more often than traditional bicycles. Changing a tire can be a bit trickier than changing one on a regular bike too.