Here, I will show you 5 proven methods to improve this error code [pii_email_37f47c404649338129d6]. Many people face this error code problem in their browser. Most, when they use this browser to send and receive emails. That is why after the battle shows the right method to solve this problem.
As we know, Microsoft Outlook is a great email application that helps you easily send and receive emails. This will be played like your personal data manager when you use Microsoft Office Suite.
Not only offers you to use letters, but also have several interesting features such as calendars, communication management, task management, web search, and more.
Method #1: Delete cache and cookies in your browser
After you start using outlook, a lot of information is collected in the database. This may be a damaged or useless information package. Delete cache and cookie errors [pii_email_37f47c404649338129d6], delete all garbage packages from the database.
Exit MS Outlook from the MS Work function and open again. It can solve the problem.
Try to use an Outlook 1-2 account in many cases. More than 1, several accounts can cause this error [PII_EMAIL_37F47C404649338129D6].
Delete the old model installation and make more new and official outlook models.
It is important to restart or turn off and reopen your computer after updating the outlook profile. Also, you can turn off your PC then start searching in the browser.
If you see this error code occurs again after cleaning the cache and starting the PC, please read the next step below.
Method #2: Delete Duplicate or several accounts
There will be an option that the problem will continue because there are many accounts.
To do this, follow the steps below.
- First, open the menu from perspective.
- Open the account settings from the menu.
- To access access, click the letter option.
- Now check and confirm a duplicate account from the list.
- Until the end, delete or delete a duplicate account.
- After deleting an ulmlic duplicate account, look back at your program now.
Method #3: Use automatic repair tools on your PC
One of the best solutions is to correct this error using automatic repair tools.
- Initially, you need to reserve an email before correcting this error.
- Adequate for sufficient changes, the first thing to do is open the control panel.
- Then open the program and property tab.
- Find the application where you find this error.
- Press Tab Program to edit programs and features.
- Next, the new window will open.
- Select the repair tab and follow the instructions on the screen.
Until the end, first open your honorable program to check stability when you fix and start a PC.
Method #4: Re -enter the Microsoft Outlook program
If the option above does not work for you, you must go to the next step to change. Hopefully this method will work well for you.
In this case, you need to delete the ongoing program installation where you read this error [pii_email_37f47c404649338129d6].
After deleting the installation, reinstall your application from scratch. To do this, follow carefully -obey the guidelines below that will make your work easier and less stressful.
- First, open the control panel.
- Program Open Program and Property Options.
- All programs are configured by Microsoft.
- Click on the Microsoft program to change changes.
- Now select the Uninstall option from the supplier.
- Then delete the Microsoft program window installation.
- Then follow the instructions on the screen.
- This process requires time to complete it.
- After deleting the installation, reinstall your Microsoft Office now.
Open the program and see if the mistake is lost. If you still find this error then the next option will work better for your PC.
Method #5: Change the server port number
If the above method does not function and the arrangement is correct.
Don’t worry, try to correct the mistakes by changing the port number now.
Port number is an important component of the right software function.
You can check the port number and change the port number for a satisfying program operation.
To do this task, you need to follow the steps below carefully to complete mistakes.
- The first step is to start by opening aspects.
- Then select the file where you find an error.
- Next, open the account option settings.
- Now you need to open your account settings window and select the email account option.
- Then you display the email account window there.
- Select other Settings options to go to “Internet Email Settings”.
- Select the “Tab Advanced” option.
- Change SMPT (port number) 465 to 587 here
- Finally, save change.
Why is this error code [PII_EMAIL_37F47C404649338129D6]?
Mistakes occurred for several reasons.
Like that,
- Low -quality account settings in software are the main reasons for this error.
- All parameters cannot be included in the full port number.
- There is a problem with the Outlook program and Windows Mail SMTP server.
- More.
Don’t worry, if you use this method, we make sure you if you are going to use this method, you will get a solution for this PII error with certainty.
In conclusion, you know the solution to the error code [pii_email_37f47c404649338129d6] in Microsoft Outlook. All methods are tested and proven. You can trust this trick because all the tricks are successfully done on our computer. That is why it is published.
We believe in the quality and real facts. We are not disturbed by our article. Because, who, our visitors come here to get this code solution.
In addition, you can contact with Microsoft Outlook 365 Help Center. If you face this problem after using 5 methods.
If you feel useful and effective for your friends who face the same problem, please share with your friends and colleagues.