Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Trending SEO Tools

Four Trending SEO Tools to Optimize Your Website for Success In 2019

Search engine optimization is really an essential part of digital marketing. SEO makes your website visible to a higher position and keeps you up above all your competitors.

So, when it comes to SEO ranking, a lot of ranking technique has been changed in the past ten years.

A lot of digital marketers prefer different digital marketing techniques that give the best returns. However, most of them agree that Search Engine Optimization (SEO) remains at the core of any digital marketing strategy.

If we ask digital marketers which tools they are going to use in 2019, there would be several tools. Surely there is not an only tool that fulfills each need for every marketer. To use the right tool often depends on the current task but, the goal remains the same that is sustaining more traffic on the website.

So, which digital marketing strategies are you planning to incorporate in your marketing world to give a boost to your website in 2019?

Save your efforts and take a look at some of the tools that are listed below:

SEMRush: marketing SEO tools

This tool has been the most recommended one by the SEO community, and experts praised it too for its brilliant features. With this tool, you can quickly determine your rankings, changes in the rankings, and new opportunities to capture better rankings.

  • An analytics report in SEMRush helps you to better understand the website’s traffic, search data, and even your competitor’s website!
  • It also allows you to compare domains and keywords you are trying to rank for.
  • The domain vs. domain feature gives you an in-depth analysis which permits you to compare your website to competitors.
  • The On-Page SEO Optimization tool allows you to monitor your rankings easily as well as find some recommendations on how to improve your website’s performance.
  • It provides you an excellent overview of what is working and where to optimize.

Bonus tool: fat rank

Do you want to know where your website ranks for a particular keyword? Fat Rank is at the rescue!

  • It is a free keyword tool that provides you with an opportunity to optimize your website for a specific keyword you are trying to rank for.
  • The one thing you have to do is add keywords you are trying to rank for, and it will search for the first 100 results.
  • Also, it will tell you are not ranking for the keyword if you don’t rank within the top 100 results,
  • It is again the best SEO tool for small business when it comes to finding their rank on Google’s SERP.
  • This tool is a chrome extension and is entirely accurate and live.


SEOptimer is a free tool used for an SEO audit. SEOptimer will help you know your website’s SEO.

  • It will show you yours on page metrics, such as keyword usage and user experience (ex: speed and mobile responsive).
  • It also showcases off page metrics, such as your back link profile and Domain Authority (a Moz metric).
  • When it finishes the audit, SEOptimer will grade your website and even give you recommendations.

Siteliner: SEO Analysis Tool

Afraid of the originality of the content you use on your website?

  • Siteliner helps you find the percentage of duplicate content on your website.
  • With Siteliner, you can scan your website to check duplicate content, broken links, average page size, speed and a lot more.
  • Another great feature is that it also compares your business website to other websites that gives a great insight into where your website stands. It also improves the site’s quality and provides context to the pages.

Final Thoughts

These tools are always there to ease the process optimization of your websites for search engines. However, it matters how much efforts you put in to make your website sustain most of the traffic.

So, use them and see which one works best for you.

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