Tuesday, February 18, 2025
SEO Meta Tags

Everything That You Need To Know About SEO Meta Tags

Meta tags mainly represent beginning of most SEO training, either for better or worse. It is hard to introduce this topic mostly because people always hear about bad side of meta tags, which are also known as keyword meta tags. People generally misuse meta tags, mainly because these are right at the top of every page in header and the first thing. But, it is not clever to get too negative. Meta tags can always be stated as best tools in search marketer’s repertoire.

You will come across meta tags, which are beyond the field of keywords and description, those these two are picked on mostly. You have to log online and just get in touch with the comprehensive form of meta tag resource that you must check out. The main advice over here is just sticking to core. Avoid adding meta tags that you don’t need. They are just going to take up code space. The less code you have that will be better. Just think a page code as a set of directions to get somewhere, but for browser. Extraneous meta tags will be annoying in driving directions, that will tell you to stay on same road. You can ask the experts from Tayloright for some additional information and help in this regard.

Good meta tags:

These meta tags are the ones, which everyone should have on every page and no matter what business you are in. always remember that the list is small over here and these are the only one that you need. So, make sure to get these points straight.

  • Type of meta content: This tag is rather necessary for declaring character set for the pages and it needs to be there in every page possible. Leaving this out can impact how page renders in browser. There are multiple options available online, but it is always on the web designer to know what is best for your online site.
  • Focusing on the title: Even though the title tag will not start with meta, it will be there in the header. It will further contain a bit of information that is quite vital to SEO. You must always look for the unique title tag on every page possible, which will describe the page well.
  • Dealing the meta description: This is an infamous meta description tag focusing over here, which is used for one major reason and that is to describe page to searchers as they can go through the SERPs. This tag is not going to influence ranking but it is very important anyhow. It is more like an ad copy, which will determine if the users will click on the results. You have to keep the description within 160 characters and then write it for catching the attention of user. Later, sell your page and get the users to click on result.
  • Viewpoint and to learn more about it: In this current mobile world, you have to be specified when it is coming to viewpoint. If you fail to do so, you might run risk of having a poor form of mobile experience. With the help of Google PageSpeed insights tool, you might come to know more about it.

Indifferent form of meta tags:

There are some sites you will come across, which are in need of using such specified circumstances. But, if your website does not need it, then you can easily avoid the points as mentioned below for the needful.

  • Social meta tags: It is easy to leave this point. Twitter data and Open Graph are important for you to share but these are not always required per se.
  • Robots: People have this misconception that you need robot meta tags. It is better to get this idea cleared. When it comes to link following and indexing, if you fail to specify the meta robot tags, those will be read as index, follow. It is only if you want to change any one of the commands then you might have to go for the robot meta tags. So, if you need to noindex but following links on page, you can add tag with only noindex as implied. Here, you just have to change what you want different from the said norm.
  • Specified bots or the Googlebot: These tags are mainly specified to be used to give some significant bot instructions like noydir and noodp. Most of the time, the search engines are mainly good at this form of thing without any help. But, in case you think you need some help, then get it without fail. There have been multiple such cases when you need it. But, if you want to know, using overall robots tags will help.
  • Language to follow: The main reason and the only one to use this tag is if you are actually moving internationally and need declaring main language as used on the page. For that, you have to check out the resources covering meta languages for full language lists you can always declare.
  • Geo: As per the last option, this form of meta tag is widely supported by Bing and not by Google. There are three kinds in this section and those are position, placement and region.
  • Focusing on the keywords: You can put this meta tag under the “indifferent” list. No good SEO form will recommend it and won’t recommend spending time in this section. But, there are some very small possibilities that it might help you in some other ways. It is not to be included if you are building a site. On the other hand, it the service is automated, then you don’t have to remove it.
  • Refresh is the key: This is mostly stated as poor man’s redirect and must not be used, if not needed any more. You might always want to use server side 301 redirect.

Be sure to go through all the lists of meta tags first and then head for the one you like. Understanding before using is crucial.

Author Bio: Karen is a Business Tech Analyst. She is very responsible towards her job. She loves to share her knowledge and experience with her friends and colleagues.

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