Astrology and Numerology
According to qualified astrologers and numerologists, numerology is a branch of astrology, and both are interconnected if you look at the definition for each.
Astrology is a system or set of beliefs. There is a relationship between the movement, the alignment and position of the celestial bodies, the planets and their stars, and the life events of an individual on earth.
Furthermore, this relationship between the stars and planets and human lives is what all of astrology is composed of. The study of the planets and the stars in relation to a person’s birth chart helps astrologers gain an insight into the life of a person and hence be able to make predictions and forecasts but unearth a person’s dispositions and character traits.
Numerology, on the other hand, is solely to do with numbers. Numerology is the numerical value of names, words and ideas and how the numeric vibrations come to bear significance and association with our human lives.
Astrological Numerology
Astrology and numerology, though both may have different approaches, the aim of both is more or less the same. That is to help and guide a person so that he or she will be able to navigate the ups and downs of life better. Numerology is a branch of astrology. To get the most out of numerology and fully comprehend and value and meanings of numbers, it is essential to incorporate astrology in the study of numerology or while participating in a numerological reading.
Astrological numerology is the study of the astrological planets and zodiac constellations in relation to numerology. Every planet, the sun and the moon has been assigned a numeric value, and the same goes for the zodiac constellation. So, astrological numerology will help gain a better understanding of the movements and positions of the planets. And their relevance to zodiac constellations based on your birth chart not just in the form of a general astrology reading but also with numerology insight.
Astrology and numerology, when studied and analysed together in the form of astrological numerology, will be able to draw a bigger picture, where you will be able to see more, including the details and minor aspects of your life.
When to make use of Astrology?
Astrology should be used when you feel that you need to dig deeper into your existence and your life. Life can be difficult and is filled with uncertainty and absurdity. There will be moments in your life when you will find yourself at the crossroads and life, and your knee is giving in. As a result, you cannot make a decision. In these difficult times, you use astrology by seeking out a professional, qualified and experienced astrologist to show you the right path and help you make the correct decision.
One should use astrology as a form of guidance to help you navigate through life, not as a tool that makes predictions.
When to use numerology?
As mentioned earlier in the article, numerology is a branch of astrology based on numbers. Almost all things that bear significance in our lives have been assigned a numeric value, from the alphabets that make up our name to the planets and the zodiac constellations.
The following numbers are the most important numbers that can be found in both your birth chart and the numerology chart.
- Soul Number
The soul number is associated with the happiness of the soul. What makes your soul happy also looks into the deepest desires and aspirations that you harbour in your soul.
- Personality Number
The personality number looks at your superficial character and the personality that you show to others.
- Power Number
This number looks at your strength, virtues, and all the inherent qualities that make you a strong character.
- Birth Number
Your birth number will give you an indication of how people see you.
- Life Path Number
This number represents the life path that you must take. This number is your whole identity, who you actually are beneath all your superficial innuendoes.
Coming back to when to use numerology. The most popular use of numerology is when choosing a name for a newborn baby, business, houses, etc. Numerology is also used in a change of name, like adding an alphabet to your old name. Many people also use numerology to gauge the compatibility of a relationship.
Like astrology, you can use numerology at any given point or event in your life.
To sum up, astrology is the study of planets and stars and their relationship with human lives. While numerology is a branch of astrology that is based on numbers. They are both interconnected, and to increase the scope of your astrology reading; astrology should incorporate numerology and vice versa.