Sunday, February 09, 2025
Startup from Bad Debt Condition

Debt Consolidation Loan Can Save A Startup from Bad Debt Condition

Managing a startup is one of the toughest jobs even when things go balanced and well and according to the plan. That’s because business management is a scale that must be maintained with integrity, care, and dedication and your extreme monitoring to keep things in hand and control. Managing a startup is tough for many reasons, and one of the reasons is finance. Managing finance in business, the management of cash flow, the management of business loans, payments to clients and employees; everything becomes a big mess if not controlled with care and calculation.

Forecasting is a must in every startup, and if you are poor in this, then the startup is destined to fail unless you learn to manage the finances and forecast the pitfalls and take timely decisions to protect from damages.

Crises management which arises due to financial stability is a major cause for the crashing of a startup. Most startups fail within a year or two of running mainly for this reason that every other thing gets planning and attention in the business except for finance and debt management. If the entrepreneur masters the art to run the startup in a financially stable way, then many other small and big issues can be managed with it.

Why startups go into debts

Startups go into debts for many valid reasons. When the entrepreneur starts with the business, he does not always have all the money to invest. The entire business capital is in most cases not available in cash or liquid or asset form with the business owner. Hence, the first things which come into mind and then into action is the taking of a business loan. Business loans, which are given at competitive interest rates, and for a reasonable tenure of time after undergoing the business plan, proposal, infrastructure and all, actually pumps up the lifeblood into the business for the first time. It’s this fund which powers up the entrepreneur to invest in the various wings of the business and starts to run the business in full swing. And that is how a startup loan is entered into by the business, and it goes into debt. You can consult more at

But debt is not a bad word. Debt means you owe money to one or more lenders. And that’s it. Debt is common and natural when you are starting a business. But the problem arises then when you cannot manage to pay back the debt. And this is where a startup goes into the financial imbalance and later serious crises.

When debts create trouble for the startup

Startups go into serious financial crises when the entrepreneur with his team is unable to manage a debt situation and maintain financial stability. Financial stability ina startup is felt when the revenue generation as per plan, and then after meeting the business running costs, employee salary payments, client payments and next order advance payments, and paying all the taxes to government agencies, there remains enough fund in hand to pay for the loan payback. And even after paying back the loan EMI every month or quarter, the business should be generating enough income to sustain, grow with time, and be stated as healthy.

But if the financial stability is gone for some reason, and the revenue generated by the startup is insufficient to meet one or many expenses, and one or more things are being left unpaid every month, then gradually it will start impacting the loan payback system too. The startup may falter a few times to pay back the loan on time, and if the situation continues then later the business may be labeled a defaulting sick business which cannot pay back the loan. The credit history and rating of the entrepreneur will be lowered, and the trustworthiness and creditworthiness of the business will be questioned. And this way the startup may not survive long. Hence any such situation must be avoided.

How to avoid getting into the bad debt situation?

You must avoid getting into the bad debt situation or condition. For this, you will have to be alert in understanding when the problem is getting chronic. Waiting for payments to receive one month and hence delaying loan EMI that month may be a separate issue. This may happen occasionally and is not a serious condition. But when things get bad, and every month you are delaying payments and gradually skipping payments, then this gets bad. And once you realize that you had been compelled to skip a few payments, then you must think about debt consolidation as a smart option to get out of the problem.

Normally businesses do not stand on just one loan. Through the course of establishing and expanding the business, the entrepreneur often raises much money from the market as a loan. Hence there are various sources from which the entrepreneur borrows money in small to big amounts to suffice for the business in the initial days. And therefore the debts stay spread across the various lending sources, and you must accumulate them all into one banner for easy management. That is what a consolidated loan does for you before your credit score gets too much impacted.

How does a debt consolidation loan help?

A debt consolidation loan can be highly helpful in taking out a financially troubled startup from the condition, and make things much better and stable. When you feel the crunch in the startup, you may then start calculating two things. One is the amount of money you require to get out of all debts. For this, you need to add up all the loans and dues, penalties and pre-closure charges you will have to pay to the various sources. Second is the credit score rating you have now. The credit score rating should still be in a healthy range to help you get a loan approved soon. A good debt consolidation loan offer is one which offers the full amount to you that you need to get out of the bad debt situation, with a long tenure and low-interest rate, thereby making the EMIs small and affordable for you.


With a good debt consolidation loan, the business will be saved from the financial burden before it’s too late. Things can be brought back to track once again soon after you settle all old dues with the fresh loan, and the start paying the small manageable EMIs carefully every month without missing the due dates.

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