Monday, February 03, 2025
Can Nicip Plus be taken for Abdominal Pain

Can Nicip Plus be taken for Abdominal Pain?

Life is too short to tolerate unwanted pains and live in misery. By “Pain” we mean every pain under this world that we come across in our everyday life.

But what to do to get quick relief from pain in the body? It is the Nicip Plus tablet that you can pop whenever some physical pain bothers you. Nicip Plus is no less than a painkiller.

How does Nicip Plus work?

When you are looking for a painkiller that is non-steroidal in nature, it is Nicip Plus. As you consume Nicip Plus, the production of Cyclooxygenase and Prostaglandins are blocked. These two chemicals in our body are responsible for the acute pains, joint swelling, and inflammation in the body. Hence, it stops the cause of pain at the root. You also get relief from pain related problems like migraines, menstrual cramps, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, fever, and pains post operation.

According to the feedback of the users, 42% people use Nicip Plus for relieving pain. Almost 47% of people have reported that the medicine works within 2 hours after consumption. 73% users take medicine alongside food. And, when talking of the side effects, that’s negligible.

Use NICIP Plus in moderation to avoid side effects

You can be almost sure to get relief within 15 minutes from the consumption of the tablet.

But.Everything has a bright and darker side. Hence, it is recommended not to use Nicip Plus for a long time, not even 15 continuous days. Further, children below the age of 12 should not take Nicip Plus.

Nicip Plus, an NSAID drug

Nicip Plus is an NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug). Generally, the NSAID drug class is used to treat arthritis. NSAID drugs also provide relief during inflammation and fever.

So, body pains that are caused by rheumatoid arthritis, ear infection, thrombophlebitis, and similar pains can be eliminated by Nicip Plus. Also, it can reduce fever and stop the growth and spread of cancerous cells.

But how it works?

Nicip Plus is an inhibitor belonging to the group COX 2. This is the reason it can ease those conditions that generate pain in the body.

Generic name

There are two active ingredients in Nicip Plus. They are as follows (along with their composition):

  1. Nimesulide – 100 mg
  2. Paracetamol – 325 mg

Nimesulide is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. This relieves swelling and pain. On the other hand, the latter Paracetamol is an analgesic drug as well as antipyretic. It treats fever and pain.

Package, strength, and manufacture

The Nicip Plus tablets are available in the following packages with the strengths as has been given below:

  1. Nicip Plus Tablet – Packages: 10 tablets
  2. Nicip Plus Tablet – Strengths: 100+325, 100+325 MG

The medicine is manufactured by Cipla.

The significance of Nimesulide and Paracetamol in Nicip Plus

Nimesulide performs the task of reducing the production of a chemical known as prostaglandins. Over production of prostaglandins create swelling and inflammation in the body. The medicine stops the production of prostaglandins. As a result, body pain and swelling are reduced.

On the other hand, Paracetamol has both the properties of being anti-pyretic and a painkiller. Initially, it stimulates the temperature regulating area of the brain. Then, it increases the pain to the threshold. Also, Paracetamol increases the flow of blood in the body. This induces a lot of sweating, loss of heat from the body, and thereby lowers the fever.

When is Nicip Plus prescribed?

The Nicip Plus tablets are prescribed for a variety of purposes.

Given below is a listed health condition that can be treated by Nicip Plus:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis

Symptoms like swelling, inflammation, pain, stiffness in the joints caused by rheumatoid arthritis can be treated well with Nicip Plus tablets.

  • Osteoarthritis

Nicip Plus can treat problems in the tender and pained joints that are associated with osteoarthritis.

  • Ankylosing spondylitis

The rigidity and joint pains caused by Ankylosing spondylitis can be wiped away with the Nicip Plus tablets.

  • Dysmenorrhea

The extreme pain and cramps caused during the menstrual cycle are irritating, unbearable but unavoidable. It stops a woman from performing physical activity whenever required. Nicip Plus can be the boon in such situation to ease the pain and continue regular physical activities.

  • Mild to moderate pain

Pains like a sprain, sports injuries, strains, etc. can be relieved by Nicip Plus tablets.

  • A migraine

An excessive headache caused by a migraine is disturbing. Take in a tablet of Nicip Plus soon.

  • Bursitis

Bursitis causes swelling and constant joint pains. For treating such problem, Nicip Plus is more than enough.

  • Tendinitis

Sometimes, pain develops in those tissues that are joined with the bones and muscles of your body. Nicip Plus can reduce these pains too.


As per the dosage of Nicip Plus is concerned, you should follow your doctor’s prescription. The dosage differs with the age of the patient and his medical condition.

Also, the person’s health condition and other medications are also taken into consideration before prescribing.

So, before you begin popping Nicip Plus tablet at random whenever you have a pain, it is better to consult a doctor. Ask from him the course of the medicine, and the duration within which it is to be administered.

Generally, for adults, two tablets a day is fine. However, children and older adults should be kept out of this.


While you are in the course of this medicine, there are certain precautions that need to be maintained. They are as follows:

  • If you have an allergic tendency toward Paracetamol and Nimesulide, it is advisable that you do not take Nicip Plus.
  • Recently, if you have been a sufferer of gastric bleeding and ulcer, this medicine should be ignored completely.
  • Since Nimesulide has the possibility of making women infertile, hence women should not take on Nicip Plus for quite a long time. Neither should it be included in the regular dosage.
  • If your records speak of liver or kidney impairments, Nicip Plus is not for you.
  • An important factor about any and every medicine is never consumed more than what has been prescribed by your doctor. Otherwise, it can induce harmful side-effects.
  • If you are already in the practice of taking in some other medications, do not take on Nicip Plus.
  • Avoid consuming two separate painkillers at the same time.
  • Before beginning to take Nicip Plus, always consult about the medical history to your doctor.

Side-effects of consuming Nicip Plus

  • Diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea
  • Allergic reactions and palpitations
  • Anemia
  • Abnormal level of blood count and blood cells
  • Weakness in the muscles and dizziness
  • Extreme renal tubular necrosis
  • Anxiety, breathlessness and shortened breathe
  • Deficiency of platelet in the blood
  • Blisters and rashes on the skin
  • Itching and continuous irritation
  • Acidity, headache, and heartburn
  • Abdominal pain, gas and, constipation
  • Hypersensitivity and high blood pressure
  • Swelling of eyes and ears and rashes all over the face
  • Liver damage and liver toxicity
  • Increase in the production of liver enzymes

Storage of Nicip Plus

The medicine should be stored at room temperature. Never keep it under direct sunlight or expose it to extreme heat. Unless and until the package of the medicine asks you, do not freeze it. Also, keep it away from pets and children.

Further, the medicine should not be flushed down the toilet or thrown in the drains unless it has been demanded by the instructions of the package. Otherwise, there may be a chance of polluting the environment by the impact of the medicine.

Over-dosage of Nicip Plus

Do not consume more dose than the prescribed dosage. The more is the dosage, the more harm you bring to your body. In fact, sometimes overdosing causes severe side effects and leads to poisoning as well.

Secondly, even though you know that your friend is suffering from the same problem, do not give him the same medicine. What works for you may not work for others. Everyone has different physical conditions. Likewise, the medical condition also differs.

Expired Nicip Plus

You must have already heard that taking in expired medicine should be avoided under all circumstances. Consuming a single dose of expired Nicip Plus is sure to produce adverse effects. If you are suffering from chronic pain, it is better that you consult a doctor than taking an expired medicine. Also, while you go to the drug store for buying Nicip Plus, do not forget to take a look at the expiry date of the medicine.

Warnings for the special situations

  • Pregnancy

Pregnant women or who are planning for pregnancy shortly should not take Nicip Plus. It can harm the development of fetus, especially during the final trimester of pregnancy.

  • Breastfeeding

When you are breastfeeding an infant, this medication is never to be used. Although there is no proper scientific reason behind it, yet if you have to take it, ask your doctor. Book Free Online Doctor and Get 50% Off on Doctor Appointment


Now, since the question in action is if it is wise to take the Nicip Plus for abdominal pain, it is suggested that you should consume it after your doctor’s advice. Otherwise, there is not much harm is consuming Nicip plus once or twice a month.

But always have a good lifestyle and healthy eating habits for staying away from all bodily pain related miseries.

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