Friday, February 14, 2025
Tips to Spot Fake Supplement Reviews

7 Tips to Spot Fake Supplement Reviews

When you’re serious about your fitness, workout alone won’t swoosh a spell to deliver on your expectations. You need to pay a serious heed to your diet.

Now, of course, sticking to a healthy diet has to do more than just sheer motivation. At a time when we’re surrounded by junk foods and our healthy nutrients intake is nearly negligible, maintaining a proper diet is not only difficult but also, at best, confusing. And this is where workout and dietary supplements come to play a major role.

It is NOT Optional 

There’s a reason why virtually every fitness enthusiast, bodybuilder, and athlete swear by supplements. And, certainly, there’s a reason why the market is stacked with innumerable types and varieties of these enhancements.

So, if you’re really serious to get in proper shape, or just lead a healthier (and happier) life, you need to invest in these supplements. It’s no more optional anymore. It is essential – to improve your metabolism, to balance protein deficiency, and to support your mood.

In fact, here are some of hyped (and non-hyped) benefits of intaking supplements:

  • They are a rich source of high-quality protein.
  • They keep you full, so you don’t feel hungry.
  • They promote muscle growth.
  • They boost your metabolism, which triggers fat reduction.
  • They enhance mood and mental focus, leaving you to feel

Of course, there are few other medicinal benefits, like positively affecting your blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.

But comes the most important part here. All these benefits aren’t universal. They vary depending on the type of supplements you’re investing in—creatine, weight gainers, protein supplements, beta-alanine, or something else.

And also, an awful lot depends on the brand you’re trusting. Like mentioned, in recent times, the market is flooded with supplements. And truth be told, not all of them are equally beneficial. Some of them are straight ineffective and, even, harmful.

So, when it matters your dear fitness and health, it’s important you spend a lot of time researching for the right supplements. And this takes us to the menace that is fake supplement reviews. 

Tips to Spot Fake Supplement Reviews

Are you trusting those (fake) reviews? 

Fake reviews aren’t something new. They’ve been on the scene since e-commerce emerged high-and-shining. So, it isn’t surprising that many supplement brands, to win over prospects, deploy the same tactic of fake reviews. And, to a large extent, this works for them. BUT, not surprising, the consumers are always at the receiving end, lied and cheated.

Don’t be one of these consumers! 

When doing research on the supplement you should purchase online, you must look out for these bogus ratings and reviews. Sure, it’s going to be a challenge to see through reviews to spot which ones are fake and which ones authentic. So, here are 7 tips to help you here:

  1. Keep away from shady brands 

Okay, this is the foremost thing you should do— PLAY SAFE. Don’t even go near the shady, unknown brands in the first place. Always juggle with the renowned brands who have been on the scene for at least a couple of years and tout good following of customers.

It’s as simple as that! 

  1. It sounds too good to be true 

Some brands go overboard when promoting their supplements. There’s “boasting” and then there’s “exaggeration”—the latter one packs lies.

So, if you’re being sold a product that exaggerates its features and benefits to a whole different level, that’s a red flag. Understand that you cannot grow your six-pack abs in a week—and neither can you shed 15 pounds in 5 days (without fatally jeopardizing your health).

So, if the descriptions and reviews sound too good to be true, they are really a lie.

  1. Too many “this is the best”? 

Read the reviews. If they are fake, you will easily identify a pattern among them

Most of them will be vague. They will use the same wording. And you won’t find anything unique and valuable in these reviews from consumer point-of-few aside from what’s already explained in the products’ description.

Fake reviews usually contain hot keys like “best” “cheapest” “great” and “life-changing” without accompanying the context of that conclusion.

  1. Unidentified and unverified reviewers 

Many of top shopping websites require users to verify their accounts in one way or another. They all have several mechanisms to separate the trusted users from the shady ones. Amazon does this well.

Even if you don’t find such feature that underlines which reviewer is more trustworthy over others, you can still use your intuitions to spot fake reviews.

Take the example of Google Review. Anybody and everybody can review anything. However, accounts that have the image of the reviewers look much more reliable. Moving next, you can click on the profile of that reviewer and see her/his past reviews. If they have left only one, or very few, reviews on the same kind of product, it will be evident that they aren’t authentic users.

This same smart approach you can apply to spot fake reviewers on various other platforms.

  1. What do the forums say? 

There are countless fitness-based forums out there. And they home great communities that are very helpful to each other.

There’s a good chance you can find some comments, questions, and answers on these forums about the supplement you’re willing to purchase. If not, you can ask other people’s opinions. You will certainly find some valuable input from others to know whether the product is really good and if the reviews are honest or not.

(Note: Avoid bad quality forums. They are equally untrustworthy.)

  1. Check the timing 

Tips to Spot Fake Supplement Reviews

This is simple! 

Check the date and timing of the reviews. If you see a lot of 5-star reviews given in a very quick span, that’s a bad sign.

You don’t normally see so many customers leaving the same kind of review during the same span—that’s not normal. That’s called 5-star review blasting. And it’s a clear indication that these reviewers are fake.

  1. How does the company website look? 

Reading reviews can be very helpful in making your purchase decision online. But don’t solely and completely rely on them. There are various other factors that you must consider when buying supplements. The brand’s website is one of those factors.

Check its website. How does it look? How does the products’ description read? Is the price affordable? What’s their refund and return policy? Read all these copies. It will help you make the right decision.

Trust your instinct (and then learn) 

Indeed, when purchasing workout and dietary supplements, you can never be 100 percent sure. Do all the research you can, you won’t be fully confident about how effective will they be until you try them yourself.

So, after you have done your part of proper research, just go with your instincts. If the supplement is good, congratulations. If not, learn and be more careful the next time. BUT above and all, don’t fall for the menace that is fake supplement reviews.

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