It doesn’t matter if you own a leather sofa or a material one, you’re going to want to take the best possible care of it. By doing so it will look better for longer and it’s more likely to remain comfortable as well as last longer.
That means you need to know how to clean a leather sofa. Fortunately, that’s what you’re about to learn.
Get It Professionally Cleaned
If it hasn’t been cleaned for a while then you’ll want to get the specialists in leather sofa cleaning involved. They can give it a deep clean which will help it to look like new and make it easier for you to maintain its cleanliness.
Even if you do clean your sofa regularly, it’s a good idea to get it professionally cleaned once a year. This will help to ensure it always looks its best and will last for longer. It can also reduce the risk associated with your sofa and its health hazards.
Brush It With A Clean Cloth
It’s advisable to use a microfibre cloth as this attracts dust. Simply run it over all the surfaces of your leather couch and let it pick up loose debris. It will also dislodge other bits of debris.
Use Your Vacuum
Make sure you have a soft brush attachment for your vacuum as this can be used on the leather couch without damaging the leather. Simply run the vacuum over the sofa after brushing it with a clean cloth. You can do this daily or every other day. But, it is best to do this regularly. Debris, especially food crumbs, can cause a lot of damage to any couch.
Wash Your Couch
Leather isn’t keen on getting wet. That means you need to keep your cloth damp and wipe it over the couch in a fluid movement. You should never scrub a sofa as this will cause issues. You can find a leather cleaner in most stores. But, you may prefer to make your own.
All you have to do is add an amount of warm water to an equal amount of white vinegar. Let the two items mix properly and then wet your cloth, keeping it just damp to wipe over your leather sofa.
If you have any doubts then test it on a small area first. Ideally, this should be low down on the back of the couch, it’s less noticeable if anything goes wrong.
Removing Stains
There are several reasons why your sofa may be stained. It could be spilt food, grease on your clothes, or any number of other causes. The good news is that you can get rid of them. Simply sprinkle some baking soda on the stain and leave it there for 2-3 hours. Then, just brush or vacuum it off. The baking soda absorbs grease in the material and will remove the stain. You can repeat it as many times as necessary to completely eliminate a stubborn stain.