Wednesday, March 26, 2025
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Stem cells and it usage in the modern therapy

Unbelievable properties of human body

Human body has a lot of thing that are still left undiscovered totally. Human body is regarded as the most advanced life form and also the most intelligent life form that is ever present in this whole world. It is self evolutioning system where every day the system is learning from themselves and the growing rather evolving. This course of evolution is very slow but still it is happening regularly and also in a very silent way. Still we does not know what is the reason rather the biological reason behind the smile that each and very people do when they are very much joyous and also very much filled up with is believed somewhere it is located in brain however the location not all found.  Like many of these stem cells are also very much unique in its own course. Stem cells are mainly the future of our medicines as well as therapy. It has the capability to cure the disease of different dimensions. Although all of the potentiality of the stem cells are still not known to us. In the whole world almost thousands of labs filled with brilliant scientists are researching about this stem cell so that they can use its potential properly. Thus we can expect to get a good solution form the miseries as well as the pain of the diseases.

More about stem cells

Stem cells as told earlier is one of best resort for the treatment of various kind of diseases, which is expected by the doctor judging by the properties they are able to discover till now. Stem cells are a bunch of cells with which they have the property of growing in an infinite amount. Such is its potency and it is believed that stem cells can also grow to a full organism also. Such is the potency of the stem cells. Along with the infinite growth they also have the power to differentiate in to different type of cells. That a single type of stem cell can be very much effective in producing liver cells, the neuron, the blood cells etc. Thus recently for all of this reasons stem has found a lot of its usage in different targeted therapy and also used exclusively in many of the disease. The results are very much overwhelming indeed. Stem cells transplantation has given a lot of good results for the peoples having blood problem.

Allogenic check

Before the transplantation of the stem cell for example the bone marrow which also possesses the characteristic of being a stem cell a check has to be made to check upon the genetic match between the donors the recipient.

Need of the check

Our body has an immune system in it which is highly function when any foreign organism enters the body. If the genetic match is not found the body will take it as a foreign substance and it will destroy the cell and the man motto of the transplantation will end.


The cost of allogenic bone marrow transplant in India is very high as it is very much recent discovery and also need experts to do the job.

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