Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Pregnancy Diet Plan

Physical activities to keep away from when you are pregnant?

In the life of a woman expectation of the arrival of a baby is a beautiful moment. Pregnancy does seem to be a time where both mother along with baby need to be cautious in terms of their general health. The moment you become pregnant you need to stop doing some activities as this can pose to be a danger to you along with the developing baby. Pregnancy suggests some physical activities that you need to keep away during pregnancy. This might also cause some breathing issues and hence medicine for respiratory disorders in pregnancy is something suggested.

The list of physical activities that you need to stay away during pregnancy

Light activities along with physical exercises prepare the body for hard days ahead. To ensure safety of your little one there are some activities that you might have to restrict yourself form during pregnancy.

Heavy weight training

If you lift heavy weight it can strain pelvis or your back. The chances of uterus slipping into the vagina are also a possibility. In case if you need to lift anything you might to hold it close to your body. Bend your knees and do not hold your back when lifting. If there has been a miscarriage in the past you need to refrain from weight training.

Yoga does pose to be a wonderful exercise, but some exercises require a degree of stretching or twisting that you need to avoid. Examples would be backbends or full inversions. If you are new to yoga you might have to discuss with your health care provider before opting for it. It would be better if you attend prenatal yoga classes that are designed for pregnant women.

You should not exercise when you are lying on the stomach

If you are lying on the stomach in an uncomfortable position it may injure your baby after the first trimester. Even a small degree of injury could go on to have fatal consequences. It would be better if you modify the exercise and try to make yourself comfortable.

Hot tubs or sauna bath

If you relax in a hot tub it can be dangerous because it would go on to increase chances of birth defects as certain infections elements may be present in unclean water. The temperature of water needs to be pretty much close to your body temperature.

Amusement rides

Amusement rides should not be opted any time when you are pregnant. If you feel nausea you should avoid anything that goes in a vertical or circular motion in air. Do avoid any rides that can pose real danger for your baby.

Jogging or running

Both these activities can be a better bet if you already have a habit. Do not commit the mistake of having to start a fresh jogging routine. A general suggestion would be that it would be much better to walk and not run or jog. You are not going to loose speed and have less injury chances.

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