Monday, March 31, 2025


The problem

Impotence in form of erectile dysfunction is a condition of the male populace where the affected male faces problems in erections necessary for a healthy sexual life and a successful sexual intercourse. This problem has effects not only on the male reproductive system but also affects the person emotionally and mentally causing cases of shame to even share with the near and dear ones also. The condition has symptoms of anxiety, depression, emotional disturbance, decreased blood flow and poor circulation to the male genital for which the problem in the erection is found. This article discusses majorly about Cialis, one of the medicines to deal with this problem and Cialis recommended dosage.

About Cialis

The affected males feel very shy to discuss about the problem because of miscellaneous reasons. For such people, do not worry because the solution is right in front of you. Cialis is an ultra-technique for treatment of erectile dysfunction due to its composition that improves the circulation of blood to the genital and hence improves the quality and time of the erection which eventually leads to a happy and satisfied intercourse as well as a satisfied sex life. Moreover, after ingestion the effect starts within 15 minutes and can last for longer duration. But the Cialis recommended dosage needs to be verified and taken only after consulting a qualified physician.

How does Cialis work?

The composition of Cialis is unique in the sense that it has brought a new revolution to the pharmaceutical industry. It belongs to the group of PDE 5 inhibitors that have a potent action on the blood circulation as well as muscle excitation and relaxation that aids in strong, effective and satisfactory erection of the male genital. An added advantage is that the effect starts within 15 minutes of ingestion and continues up to longer hours.

Cialis recommended dosage

Before starting the course of Cialis, one needs to consult a qualified doctor and understand from him fully regarding the problem and the proper dosage to be taken so that the problem can be controlled and not aggravated. The dosage must not be increased or decreased on one’s own will otherwise it would produce a cascade of reactions that would have derogatory effects on the body. If some side effects is observed during the course of the drug, then one must not discontinue it of his own and instead contact the doctor who would find a professional way to solve the issue.

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